With the win, the change in degenerative conditions of articular cartilage not inflammatory in nature. This is a process that occurs in the majority of cases, it is the natural result of the aging of the body.
According to the statistics, osteoarthritis is considered to be a fairly common disease, just as they are-estimates vary from 10% to 15% of the population of the different countries.

This condition is typical for the age group of 45 years and older. However, they are in a place of exception, and the exception of when the read occurs, at least in the age groups of people and, as a result, migrated to the injury, serious illness, osteoporosis and fracture associated with the greatest degree of athletes.
Generally, arthritic pain, and patients experience able to load, but it's hard for them to sit or lie down comfortably with the affected limb, and the pain of the manifestations and then disappear. As the disease progresses, improve the characteristic of the crunch of the joints decreases the amplitude of the normal movement of the joint, it may happen that the deformation of the articular components.
Osteoarthritis – what is it?
That occurs in osteoarthritis, what is it? The disease develops due to metabolic disorders in a joint, which in turn causes the cartilage begins to lose elasticity. This can contribute to a full, or even loss of a part of the composition of the articular cartilage, the proteoglycans, however, is usually due to very deep cracks in the cartilage.
- The primary osteoarthritis — it starts, without any apparent reason, and it strikes unaltered, the cartilage in the joints, at the same time, many of the joints, it is more likely to occur in individuals older than 40 years of age. The primary osteoarthritis is also the result of a disturbance of the ratios in the tissue of the cartilage, the processes of synthesis and degradation, and is accompanied by a disturbance of the function of the chondrocytes. In the cartilage and when the arthritic changes are predominant in the process of being destroyed.
- The main cause of osteoarthritis in the secondary is a significant change in the rates of the processes, the supply of salt to the trade and the exit from the lymph, hormonal disturbances, which were necessary for the most common substances. The hormonal changes leading to osteoarthritis are commonly found in older women and in older age, when it comes to the changes and kept consistent across the levels of the hormone.
In the at-risk group can then be assigned to individuals:
- with too much weight;
- hereditary disabilities.
- the elderly
- one of the jobs;
- with the metabolic disorders in the body.
- with the lack of micronutrients;
- have suffered injury to the spinal column;
- been involved in a few sports.
The antics of the arthritis is due to the fact that the pathological changes in the tissue of the cartilage of the affected joint for a long time, it is not manifested by any symptoms, pain, and difficulty in movements that have become apparent just at the time when a consumption reaches the periosteum, which is located under the articular cartilage.
With the win, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade
There are three grades of osteoarthritis of the joints:
- 1, the extent of the disease, it flows with almost no tangible symptoms. Only on occasion, there may be a sensation of pain, while driving, or any other type of physical activity. At this early stage of the osteoarthritis to occur abnormal changes in the oxygen from the synovial fluid of the joint, with weakness in the muscle, and the instrument, but it does not change.
- 2 the extent of the arthritis, it marked the beginning of the destruction of the joint, appear in the first few bone spurs. The pain has become bearable, but noticeable. A distinctly audible crunch affected joints. Is a breach of the muscular functions in the mind, violation of a reflex neurotrophic regulation.
- 3, the degree of arthrosis of the articular cartilage thinning, there is a large focus of the destruction. Notice the considerable deformation of the articular of the game, with the shift of the axis of the member. Because of the disturbance in relation to the anatomical among the structures of the joint, and extensive pathological changes in the connective tissue of the ligament, become insolvent, and they are cut and, therefore, there is pathological mobility of the joint, together with the natural limitation on the number of entries. Occur, contractures and subluxations. Muscles, Periarticular stretched out, or shortened, the capacity of the cut is weakened. Nutrition to the joint and surrounding tissues is interrupted.
For a disease that is characterized by phases of exacerbation and the phase of the reference. This makes it more difficult for a self-diagnosis of osteoarthritis, relying only on his / her own feelings. Therefore, you should be looking to refine the diagnosis by a physician.

The arthritis that I have set up in the early signs, based on their rating, but there is a general list:
- The pain that is caused, which is further enhanced at the time of the rain of rice, and at low temperatures.
- The joint increase in volume due to the deformation, and the bone spurs;
- The temperature of the skin around a joint the patient is increased. There may be an increase in total temperature.
- The joint begins to increase, subject to the swelling and of the seal;
- When the power supply voltage, and the work of the joint hearing, and is perceived to mash or grind their attrition training to the bone.
In the advanced stages, pain may occur at rest, due to the stagnation of the blood, and increase the pressure of the intra-osseous.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis refers to a category of chronic diseases. At times, the disease may escape by stealth over the years, and only now and again, remembering the pain when the load on the joint, or an embarrassment to the movement.
But the fact is that the disease is developing rapidly for the worst in just a few months ago. In any case, it is important for you to remember is that, if it is not dealt with osteoarthritis, your symptoms will, over time, grow worse and worse quality-of-life, and, in severe cases, which are a result of the disability, and the immobilization was forced to do.
So, when you read the major symptoms of which include the following:
- Excruciating pain in the joint. This is particularly apparent if the various types of loads on the diseased joint, while walking on the stairs.
- The pain and knead in the joint. The pain manifests itself on the forum. The grinding principle, it is not a strong one, but in the absence of treatment with the passage of time, they will listen to, and the environment.
- The appearance of the face. The characteristic symptom of a disease of the joints – arthritis. But when you win, and swelling only in the acute exacerbation and is accompanied by no pain and is uncomfortable. It is very noticeable, and the delivery of substantial disruption.
At times, the pain of the night you can increase. At times, the pain in the joint is active, the sign of depends on the load. In the early to win, we can start with the development of high levels of physical exertion, or after an injury.
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis
The diagnosis is based, in particular, to the definition of such predisposing factors, such as the appearance of the pain and discomfort in the movements of the joints. When that occurs, the above-described signs of the disease, it is possible to realize an x-ray, radionucleides, and studies of the research.
All of these studies are done in clinical settings, and the results for them should be only by qualified service personnel. At our site, you can always ask questions about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis in the comments below.
The activities for the prevention of the warnings of the arthritis, it is available to anyone. These include the moderate physical load (it will not cause pain in the joints), a balanced diet and the daily consumption of foods from all the major trace elements and vitamins.
Many times, if you get rid of the osteoarthritis that prevents the excess weight, then you need to pay close attention to your food, and in the case of a need to stick to a diet.
As such, you must keep in mind that osteoarthritis is referred to the category of chronic diseases. In other words, the main criterion for the effectiveness of the treatment, the realization of a long-standing remission, and the improvement of the health status of the patient.

For the treatment of osteoarthritis
When diagnosed with osteoarthritis, the treatment is currently a serious and urgent problem. And even though the number of medications used in arthritis, growing all the time, they are just a symptom of the action. And so far, none of the drugs have become a panacea for the treatment of joint pain.
In the background, and the methods of treatment depend on the stage and the symptoms of arthritis, a lot of times, initially to alleviate the pain, as well as in the second and third stage of the disease, and they can be very painful. It is also possible that anti-inflammatory therapy, when it accompanies inflammation of the joints.
The basic scheme of the pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis involves the application of:
- NSAIDS, in order to reduce the starting point of the pain syndrome and to the resolution of the inflammatory process.
- In the drug group, chondroprotectors, which includes, as active components such as glucosamine and chondroitin.
- A serious illness, you may need intra-articular, the introduction of corticosteroid drugs. These drugs quickly solve the process of inflammation, and normalize the mobility of the affected joint.
- After the resolution of the inflammatory process that may be required with intra-articular introduction to acid hyaluronic, which acts as a lubricant and prevents the process of friction in the joints and eliminates pain that is caused, improve mobility, and stimulate the production of hyaluronate.
To bring it back to the joint, allowing the win to a great extent, can only be achieved through the implementation of a joint replacement surgery, independent of the cause of this is not yet possible.
The operational intervention
For the initial stages of arthrosis of the joints of the knee, treatment with medication can be effective, and then you need to make a decision about the operating methods of rehabilitation.
There are several types of surgery:
- There. The replacement of the articular cartilage and artificial, of anything. After the surgery, significantly decreases pain and increases mobility.
- At arthroscopy. It doesn't take much reduction of the time period, and is suitable for patients of all ages. They need to, in order to avoid the destruction of the joint. During the operation, are removed by burning – this is because the thin cutting edge tools and aids.
- Prosthesis. The replacement of all of the components of the artificial joint on the market. With the word, and the implants today are made out of special metal that is not rejected by the body. These implants serve, on the average, about ten years ago. After this procedure, the patient can lead a full life.
In the house of a doctor a patient can apply to all of the distractions of funds in the form of ointments, rastirok, gels, herbal extracts. The good results of the therapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy (treatment of the infection of the blood), as well as a spa treatment, and it is in the stage of remission, alleviating an illness), with natural mud and mineral products.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis
The condition-sine-qua-non for the treatment of osteoarthritis, the use of different types of exercises to prevent muscle atrophy and weakening of ligaments.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis is selected individually for each patient with their medical professional as a physical education by a doctor. The exercises will begin only after the removal of the increased risk, but not later than 5-6 days after you take the starting point of the pain syndrome.
The task of the exercise-for the treatment of osteoarthritis is to restore joint mobility, aerobic training, to increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.
Such as explaining and talking points to win, we have the same name means?
When you read medical treatment can not prevent it, but, your doctor will usually attaches to the complete treatment, it is recommended to apply the medicine very popular. But you need to be aware that in the treatment of osteoarthritis, including non-conventional medicine, that is based on a healthy lifestyle and an appropriate diet, all of this is added to the revenue folk.

- The leaves of birch, nettle leaf, and flower structure male of the marigold is to be taken in equal proportions. Eventually, you will need to get a few spoonfuls of the soup. We received the strips collected in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and leave it for the night. From the morning, you should drink a half-cup of juice to four to five times a day. Course get, this recipe is for two to three months.
- The egg solution is prepared from fresh egg yolk which is mixed with turpentine and the amount of apple cider vinegar in the ratio of 1:1:1. The liquid oxygen that it needs in the mix, and grate the vulnerability of the affected joint during the night. After that, you will need to include the whole of the wool scarf. It is recommended that you perform scrubbing on the time limits of a 1-month 2-3 times a week.
- The celeriac (celery root). 1-2. h. tablespoons of the freshly squeezed juice of celery and drink up to 3 times a day. You can use it to decoction. Bring To A Boil The 1 St. teaspoon of fresh root in 2 cups of boiling water and let it sit under a cover for 4 hours. Drink It In 2 Ot. tablespoon up to 4 times a day 30 minutes before each meal.
- You will need a piece of woven, soft wool, without any synthetic impurities, kale, collard greens, brussels. To begin with, you need to mill the head, and after grinding it well with a mortar and pestle or with your hands, in preference to the use of non-oxidizable in the dishes. After that, you can press the juice into the blender. Now we have created it to the fabric, and AGRhiaem in KapuStO, sr. juice, this is the gauze you put it on the diseased joint. I would also like to point out that the juice can be store for a maximum of three days after the extraction.
- The application of a baked oatmeal, it also gives very good results. Take three or four tablespoons of oatmeal, then cover with boiling water, and cook on a small flame for five to seven minutes. The amount used of the water, you should make sure you're getting a bulk of the grain, which should be cool, and use as a compress for the night. Apply it only to newly baked whole. Yesterday it was so dry swab is not appropriate.
- The pharmacist sold it to the root of elecampane. As a general rule, it Packed in a pack of 50 gr. For the preparation of tinctures, you will need a half of a block from the roots of the plants, and 150 ml of a the quality of the vodka. All the ingredients are mixed together, placed in dark bottles and noStawayda 12 days old. Rubbing is performed before going to sleep, but in the morning.
In general, in the treatment of arthritis, unlike the means, are not able to completely replace the standard types of treatment (medications, physical therapy, massage therapy, exercise), but it can significantly ease the symptoms of the disease, and to enhance the action of other forms of therapy as well as to speed up the recovery.