Of the disease, osteochondrosis is the most common type of the disease, from the diseases of the spinal cord. As well as the osteocondrose, directly, are the burnt-degenerative disc disease defeat of the disks located between the vertebrae, and then, as a consequence of this is that they are irreversible changes in the structure, as well as in the form of the records.
With the increase of the age of a person, such as the changes in your spinal column is developing more and more, and at the age of about 40...the 45-year osteochondrosis sick of just about everyone. By itself, the osteocondrose the thoracic spine develops in much less than, for example, in the lumbar region or a cervical department of the spine, as well as in the vertebrae, it's much less mobile than in other lowland areas. In addition to this, the area of the back, in the chest area, it has further developed the corset front is made up of the muscles, the customer support team of the vertebral column, the rib cage, this is so much better than the other.
What's in this chest osteocondrose?
The chest of the osteocondrose directly from a package, the discs between the vertebrae, with a simultaneous reduction of its thickness, and, as a consequence, it is followed by a pinched nerve endings are located in the intercostal area of the chest of a person.
However, once again, it should be noted that, due to the fact that the saline lock, winged and human, is too tight, the department of the vertebral column in the region of the chest than in the more susceptible to the disease, osteochondrosis.
Typically, the process of the pathology of the involved discs between the vertebral bones of the chest, which includes the twelve thoracic vertebrae. But, more often, when the osteocondrose mother of the department of pathological changes occurring in Wernigerode to the bone. There are various degrees of injury in breast osteochondrosis, and also we will look at in more detail.
Thus predisposing factors in the development of breast-feeding, degenerative disc disease.
The exact causes of the occurrence of the reported degenerative disc disease is the mother of the department of modern science until the end has not yet been set. At the moment it is divided into the medicine, thus predisposing to the following factors, the so-called risk factors:
- hereditary predisposition;
- the excess of physical stress;
- trauma to the spinal cord, such as, for example, is down to his injury;
- the changes that occur with age, intervertebral discs, and it also leads to a reduction in hydration of the tissues of the disc;
- disturbance of the blood supply in the chest area.
The causes favourable to the disease, osteochondrosis thoracic spine
The single most important action in the development of the disease, osteochondrosis, and in general contributes to the lack of exercise, or, in the absence of loads in the muscle, resulting in a weakening of the functions of the muscular corset and, as a result, the largest loads on the intervertebral discs, and ligaments.
On the other, the other reasons for the development of a breastfeeding and degenerative disc disease are:
- the hypothermia of the body.
- the presence of chronic stressful situations;
- be transferred to the infection;
- the poor condition of the physical work;
- there occurred disturbances in the hormone in the body.
- a violation of the metabolism process in the body;
- in the presence of a birth defect of the spinal column.
For the aggregated impact of the factors mentioned above, and sometimes even the discs between the vertebrae, with the passage of time, it will develop a burnt-degenerative, irreversible processes:
- purposee the nucleus of the intervertebral disc, gradually, it begins to lose oxygen from the liquid, which is noted to ensure that the lubricity of the resource, that is, in the final analysis, it reduces the depreciation of the role of the unit;
- on ring, the fibrous to the own ones, because of the increase of the load on it becomes more and more vulnerable, which leads in turn, to its gradual destruction.

The symptoms of breast-feeding, degenerative disc disease and its symptoms
The clinical signs in the lactation, degenerative disc disease, is entirely dependent on the factors such as:
- the age of the patient.
- the extent of the damage to the disease;
- the stage of degenerative disc disease is the thoracic spine: a remission or a flare.
The main evidence of degenerative disc disease of the chest are:
- the pain in the chest-to-spine, so-called, - Dorigo;
- lesion of the nerve endings in the spinal cord – radiculopathy;
- the abdominal syndrome;
- heart syndrome and / or changes in the heart muscle itself, with its pain, that is persistent, even under the influence of glyceryl trinitrate;
- embolism syndrome, in the form of stagnation in the lungs, signs of hypoxia, or suffocation.
With the increase of the body temperature of the patient's breast, and osteocondrose does not take place, and that is also a direct differential diagnosis of a symptom. Backache in the area of the chest, pointing to the occurrence of reports of cracking of the fibrotic ring and the deformation of pulpous of the kernel. During the time I may feel pain in the chest area, only to minimize its effect.
In addition, the symptoms that are characteristic of breast-feeding, degenerative disc disease, when myelopathy compressive, that is, the deformation of nerve-endings, are as follows:
- the sensation of "chills" diagnosis;
- pain along the course of this form of the nerve;
- the reduction of the sensitivity to temperature and touch;
- a violation of the spine and the function of the motor.

The extension of the disease to the newborn osteochondrosis
The different stages of the disease to newborn children osteochondrosis is characterized in that each one of their disease, each and every one of them are inherent to their clinical signs. In modern medicine include the degree of degenerative disc disease of the chest, and, as a result, the four periods of its development. Think of it more.
The degreeto which the characteristic is, that is, within the fibrous rings of the slits, in what, later on, gets into a purposee kernel. This is the period of the development of the disease to newborn children osteochondrosis is characterized by the following features:
- the onset of pain in the spinal column, in the place of his defeat, but it is not in addition to the location of the occurrence of reports of the disease;
- the pain can also use it as a permanent nature, so that it can be as low back pain;
- it may occur convulsive muscular contraction, which is accompanied by pain in the heart area.
In high school, such as the development of the breast-feeding, degenerative disc disease, which is characterized as a pathological problem, the appearance of increased intervertebral mobility in the following clinical manifestations:
- they appear subluxations in the thoracic spine of the spinal column;
- the pain intensified during the movement of the
- it appears the discomfort during the long life of the bulb.
On the third level, which is characterized by a period is interrupted when an o-ring fibrous, and, when they do out-of-bounds out purposee kernel. During this period, the disease is osteochondrosis thoracic spine will begin to appear on the hernias of the spinal cord, the clinical signs are very heavy duty. It is a neuro-and other vascular diseases, injuries, muscle, clonic-tonic reflexes and degenerative diseases.
In addition to that specified in, the third grade in the degenerative disc disease of the chest, is a change for the following member states of the vertebral column:
- the weak anchoring of the provisions of the vertebral column;
- the limitation of the mobility of the spine in the department, which has manifested itself in the form of a kyphosis or a scoliosis.
The fourth levelis related to the time period in which a burn-degenerative process as it affects all of the structures that are in the cage in the spinal column. This muscles involved with the yellow, interspinal, and other ligaments and structures surrounding the vertebral column, is to fibrosis. During this period of the disease to the newborn osteochondrosis, in the clinic, it is likely that the so-called, state-of-the remission of sins.
The complications that can occur if the chest osteocondrose
When, later in the progression of the disease to the newborn osteochondrosis, where appropriate, the development of sets with the attendant complications, such as:
- the inflammation in the nerve ends of the spinal cord;
- the appearance of intervertebral hernia;
- the development of vascular dystonia;
- the development of a herniated Schmorl's;
- the disease spondylosis;
- pathologically, the growth of bone, piles - the bone spurs;
- a substantial reduction of the spinal canal.
It should be noted that the degree of severity of complications may occur in the breast, and osteocondrose is entirely dependent on the pace of the progress has occurred in the condition, and it is, of course, the effectiveness of the methods for the treatment of degenerative disc disease, thoracic spine.

The diagnosis of breast disease, degenerative disc disease of the disc and its methods
In practice, we apply several methods are used for the diagnosis of breast-feeding, degenerative disc disease. Of these, the most common is the x-ray to the survey, the results of which are informative enough. The characteristics of the lactation, degenerative disc disease, to identify whether, in the present study, are as follows:
- violated, and the edges of the discs between the vertebrae;
- edge of the epithelial lp has acquired the undulating nature.
- the discs of the spine will change its shape;
- arising from the bone spurs – bone, disease of the firmament:
- increased, and the arrows are sharp hooked them to contact the vertebrae;
- the body of the thoracic vertebrae has shifted to his normal form;
- it substantially reduced the size of the height of the discs between the vertebrae;
- the herniated disc-between the vertebrae.
In some cases, it is practiced by a method for the diagnosis of breast disease, degenerative disc disease of the disc with a radiopaque research, identify the signs of this ailment.
- in the case of the implementation of the pathology of the contrast agent fills out the disc in between the vertebrae completely;
- with the help of the contrast media that are visible in the contours of pulpous linux kernel, portals to the irregular nature.
- with the destruction of the intervertebral disc, to a large extent, the contrast agent penetrates beyond the boundaries of, and penetration into the spinal canal.
For the treatment of breast degenerative disc disease.
For the treatment of breast degenerative disc disease is one of the following methods, which are applied based on the results of the diagnosis of breast degenerative disc disease, viz.:
- the conservative-traditional treatment;
- for the treatment of breast disease, degenerative disc disease of the disc with the help of the pull;
- readily for surgical intervention.
There's nothing new, of course, here it has not yet been developed, and, as such, is in the treatment of breast disease, degenerative disc disease of the disc, called the conservator, is the traditional use for the treatment of any type of degenerative disc disease. In any case, it is preferable that all the time in conservative-induced, a method of treating breast disease, degenerative disc disease to the disc by means of the assignment of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for the proof of the pain. It should be noted that these drug interactions are well resolved in the inflammatory process, as well as the swelling, shrinking in the process, from the crushing of a nerve root. In the more complicated cases of the disease to the newborn osteochondrosis, your doctor may prescribe a advanced, there are a number of drugs, for example, some of the strongest pain relievers and muscle relaxants, which can inhibit the onset of muscle spasms.
When the pain to retreat, or was able to stop it, that is to say, for the reference, it is assigned to an enhanced treatment, physical therapy, physical therapy, and, in addition to therapy, exercise, and massage. The main form of struggle, but the prevention of this disease, in the treatment of physical therapy is the magnet therapy, through the aid of instruments.
In addition to the above, for the treatment of breast degenerative disc disease is a lot that can be applied successfully, and draw the treatment, namely, treatment of breast disease, degenerative disc disease of the disc with one pull. According to this method, paravertebral muscles, tissues and joints are exposed to stretching, which leads to an increase in the intervertebral distance. And even a half-millimeter will be enough to reduce the swelling in the solution of the contractions and also to relieve the tension around the spinal column muscles.
And here, at the time of surgery is useful only when other techniques of treatment for maternal disease, degenerative disc disease of the disc does not give you the results that you want.