Backache (back pain) is one of the most common causes of complaints and requests for medical assistance. When you do this, for the life of the problem of backache is facing 70-90% of the total population and 28% of them develop chronic pain that is caused, will cause temporary and long-term loss of working capacity, and diminished quality of life. The pain in the back, with the caveat of life has a major impact on the behaviour and the psyche of the people, which is manifested by the development of the emotional stress.

Pain syndromes are all associated, primarily, with osteochondrosis, the pain in the sacral area (lower back osteocondrose), which is characterized by high mobility and high levels of physical exertion, and is conditioned by degenerative diseases-degenerative changes in almost all of the components of the vertebral-motor segments of the spine (body of vertebra, intervertebral discs, and by connecting them to the tissues).
On the basis of the classification of the degenerative disease of the disc is in the post pathogenetic approach to reflect the pathologic process in the form of successive stages/grades of degenerative diseases-degenerative diseases of failure, with the agreement of the highlights of the next few days.
Osteocondrose the lumbar spine 1 level
This is the first (or initial) level of the disk, the intra-pathologic process of the generation of the victim of a drive-pathological problems. Osteocondrose grade 1, which is characterized by the movement of pulpous kernel on the inside of the disc, and t. e. comtUDenenhumcomtnoe the core penetrates through the cracks in the fibrous ring, and a well-PousadaeRnoeRnonoAnnae the outside of the fiber. Thus, the osteocondrose 1 level, there occurs irritation of nerve endings, and are beginning to emerge, the sensations of pain, which are formed of different ReFLeparatnoRHNe the syndromes of degenerative disc disease.
Osteocondrose lower back 2nd grade
Osteocondrose a 2 — degree - is the degree of the instability, t. e. the loss of the beat and the drive of the clamping band. The dynamic characteristic of the shift in the seuelegásegno is relatively lower on the vertebral column, because of RecomtRecomparaenoenenhumem pulpous kernel, and the elements of the fibrous rings. 2, the degree of degenerative disc disease that is characterized by a syndrome of instability, appear to ReFLeparatnoRHNe and partial syndromes of the compression stroke.
Osteocondrose 3rd degree
This is the level/stage of education is the herniation of the intervertebral disc as a result of a breach of the integrity of the structures of the fibrous rings of (prolapse and/pRnotRtemzee). When osteocondrose 3rd degree, you can comdenolenoetücomEu: the label on the spinal nerve, and also pRelegásee the LEVELS of vaso-and neural-education.
Osteocondrose 4th grade
At this stage, the fibrosis LEVELS, and the gradual formation of bone and cartilage, the threshold value is RezRecomtrepresentações in the vertebral column. The paranompencometnoRnnogno a mechanism, there is an increase in the area of the supports to the vertebrae on the bad disk, it happens in the stillness. These bone expansion, and, in some cases, such as a herniated disc can put pressure on the pRelegásee neuro-vascular education.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease, lumbar-sacral column
Osteocondrose the lumbar-sacral spine menenhumfecomteRtemet in a broad range from a mild discomfort in the low back to sharp intense pain in the head, which can be pRnononoTSeRnonoetücomEu over-voltage, peRenoxleWdenenhumem, an increase in severity and Dr. the Whole of a set of clinical manifestations of degenerative disease of the disc is divided into noeRtebRelüntemYu (paranompRecomcomenonntemYu) of the symptoms, and eparacomtRenoeRtebRelüHNe (ReFLeparatnoRHNe) of the symptoms.
In the initial phase of the
The clinical symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine in the first stage is due to pRnotRtemzeeth the disk in the direction of the spinal canal in the back, and the irritation that is rich in pain receptors in the back of the turn-on dividers. A leading symptom and, at this stage, it is different than the intensity of the local pain-caused — lumbago, lumbalgia, which, conventionally, are of varying degrees of manifestations, the starting point of the pain syndrome and the duration of the pathological manifestations. At this stage, which is characterized by a "sort of adapter" (the flattening lumbar lordosis) are subject to a restriction because of a sharp pain than a period of motion in the lumbar spine.
In addition to the location of the pain is at the level of the victim's meWvertebralgno the hard drive due to a reflex muscle reaction in the majority of cases, is expressed in the tension peRenoeRtebRelüHNx of the muscle ("the defence"), which helps to enhance the pain threshold of the disorder, as well as the smooth/templnouenenhumYu the physiological lumbar lordosis and limited mobility of the spine.
When osteocondrose of the first stage of the signal paranoReWparanononogno's syndrome, and other neurological manifestations (symptoms of stress) are not present. Usually, over time, to the irritation of the receptor (dor) and the rear portion of the ligament, a longitudinal, is to be celebrated adaptation, which contributes to the immobilization of the victim meWvertebralgno the disk. The onset of acute/sub-acute, gradually decreased during the treatment in an appropriate, simple, and respect for the bluetooth hands-free kit mode. That is, one observes the transformation from acute in remission, with a duration that varies as the frequency of the worsening of lumbalgia.
With this, every new aggravation, indicates an additional shift of the LEVELS (prolapse and/pRnotRtemzeEu), which leads to an increase in the pressure of the disk, the rear longitudinal beam. Over time, this leads to a decrease of the joints and to decrease the resistance and, consequently, the risk of a birth of a prolapse of the disc and the hole in the back of the ligament, a longitudinal, the next time that an episode (in the direction of the spinal canal, which leads to the development of the next stage of neurological complications.
Pot-paranoReWparanonoeEu phase (the phase of neurological disorders)
The whole of the manifestations of pathological conditions (ischemia-related nerve root/spinal complex to the formation of a hernia of a disk, and the occurrence of reported obstruction-related paranoReWparanononoth of a street) is a major contributor to the development of movement disorders in a given menotnome, and a decrease in the sensitivity at a given deRmetnome. As a general rule, the development of the peRepara/muscle paralysis and a loss of sensation, followed by a motion, which, immediately, the pain in the backs of the cross, receives the acute, of short duration, for an irradiation in the course of the sciatic nerve (this is called a "gepeRelgehecomparaeth seizures sciatica"). In parallel, it occurs to muscle weakness in the area the supply of nerve in one way or another, ishemezeRnonoennnogno the spinal nerve and they are sensitive to the disorder. It usually occurs in the obstruction paranoReWparanononoth on the street, which goes along with the spinal nerve L5 into the spinal canal.
Basically, it is the character of the development of the syndrome of "sick of the palsy sciatica", which peReznom/paralysis on the side affected in the extensor of the foot and toes ("comteppeW" or "petusina march), the developing countries have, in the case of violations of the functions of melnobeRTSnononogno of the optic nerve. Such a patient is highly lifts the leg for the foot, throwing it forward and it pops out in the front, sock on the foot with the ground.
jpg" class='imgblock, right center_mob'>In the final stage of the neurological manifestations
Osteocondrose of the spinal cord, it is usually the root cause of the violation of the circulation of the blood in the great radicular arteries that supply blood to the spinal cord (the root-culture and sensitivity of an artery). The blood supply of the spinal cord, the lumbar-sacral level, provides the only street Adamcewicz, and some of the people present in the incremental cerebrospinal artery Depro—Gotteron, which provides for the supply of blood to the flow rate of the department/the tail end of the spinal cord.
Its functional failure leads to a slow development of the crisis in the vessel, brain, failure of the bone marrow, the clinical manifestation is the syndrome of intermittent claudication, coupled with weakness in the legs and tingling of limbs, that are formed when you walk away after a small rest-stop. The most severe manifestation of neurological disorders in this phase are a clear violation of the circulation of the spinal cord, type-by-type spinal cord ischemic stroke.
Tests and diagnosis
Diagnosis of the lumbar-sacral and degenerative disc disease in the majority of cases, it is not a simple one and is based on an analysis of the nature and the location of the starting point of the pain syndrome, and is in communication with the physical activity (medical history) and the availability of trigger points and pain, and the symptoms of stress. From the elements of technical leadership, the value that is assigned to the x-ray computer and magnetic resonance imaging (see photo below). To exclude the pathology of somatic (liver metastases in the spinal column, urolitíase, pyelonephritis) can be given general, biochemical analysis of blood and urine samples.
In the treatment of degenerative disc disease, lumbar-sacral column
The question of how the explaining and talking points for the osteocondrose the lumbar spine refers to one of the most common. First of all, in the treatment of degenerative diseases–injuries and degenerative diseases of the spine, it should be a gradual and complex one, which includes treatment and medicines, physiotherapy, and, where necessary, for the surgical methods.
The procedures and the operation of the
In the treatment of degenerative disc disease and is widely used in physiotherapy treatment: phonophoresis/ce and with the medications (including analgesics, and antispasmodics) the cells of the battery hits a chain; electroneurostimulation; UHF; laser therapy; magnetic therapy; EHF (extremely high frequency therapy), MICROWAVE oven (microwave therapy); - shock-the place for your therapy, and physical therapy.
In the acute period recommended for the fulfillment of skeletal (orthopedic) your use of the lumbar spine to stabilize the corset. In this period of time, you may want to limit or exclude the exercise of the range, which may cause pain or tension in the muscles. To engage in a "through the pain" is prohibited, the exercise should be performed very slowly increased, with a total of 8 to 10 times. It is also important not to increase the lumbar lordosis, when the movements of the legs, which can lead to an increase in the pain. In the next stage, the acute period to at least lessen the pain can include gradually, isometric exercises for the major muscles of the buttocks, and abdominal muscles.
When you have soothing pain, increasing the chances and are included in the framework of the total educational/working out. In addition to the exercises to increase the strength of the extensor of the thigh and abdominal muscles are included, with exercises to increase the strength of the muscles of the back and flexion in the lumbar spine. It is carried out at an average rate of 15 to 20 reps. It should be given in the report, that is, the load when the osteocondrose the lumbar spine should be regular and not sporadic basis.
Exercise osteocondrose of the lumbar spine in the period of reference is primarily directed to the strengthening of the muscular corset of this area and the increased mobility of the vertebral column, however, it must be done with great care. The number of repetitions of the exercise, this time period can be increased up to 50 to 100 times. It is an important task is the development of an automated system is the muscle in the maintenance of a specific posture, in any position (standing up/sitting down, walking).
The therapy for a year, when the osteocondrose of the lumbar spine can be performed in a swimming pool (in the water, but she's only in addition to the main "dry" classes). Other techniques of therapy for exercise-which are extremely useful are: swimming, which is often regarded as the most efficient in the field of physical therapy when the pain in the sacral osteocondrose, as well as the rolling of the strip, track, skiing, exercise, exercises, with, rubber, cake, band. To deal with these sports, such as volley-ball, big/small, table-tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, is not recommended due to a set of abrupt movements, which can lead to the worsening of the disease.
Load it with free weights is performed only in the supine position (face up) to the exception that the vertical load on your spine. It should be kept in mind that when you choose a joint exercise/standing-overhead/minor injury to the spine or by uncoordinated shaking movements on the axis of the spinal column, creating the risk of a rupture of the degenerated disc and the other a worsening of the pain. Extremely useful for the spine, it can be yoga, however, many of the exercises in yoga are very complex and should be undertaken only under the direction and supervision of an instructor. The best option in the first case, it will be, if the doctor is fitness when it osteocondrose of the lumbar spine is performed in a doctor's office, where the medical therapy is an exercise that will show you a number of exercises that can be done at home.
These exercises are performed as exercises in the morning, when the osteocondrose. Don't you have to go to a different type of video therapy, exercise or treatment to the gym, and the video osteocondrose, because the video does not allow you to train the proper mechanics of the exercise, and it may be the cause of the exacerbation. Not the least commonly used, and the option of a manual massage, underwater, in a vacuum, hot tub). Massage osteocondrose the lumbar spine allows you to remove and/or reduce pain, and eliminate tension from the muscles in the area, to recover the mobility of the spinal column.
The operational treatment is carried out in the case of a significant compression of the spinal cord, and is designed for decompressing the spinal canal. It includes several types of intervention: removal of a herniated intervertebral disc, a disk drive, the performing microdiscectomy, laser, reconstruction of the drive, the punch, the valuation of the unit, the replacement of the intervertebral unit of the cochlear implant, such as the operations of the stabilization of the spine segment.
Where appropriate, and appropriate treatment, the forecast favorable. Worse, the forecast for the development of a lateral aspect of the herniated disc is in an L-S1, with the beginning of the involvement in the pathological process both the root and the subsequent formation of a radiculopathy. The prediction of the deterioration in the acute development of you are the syndromes of compression of the spinal cord/tail paresis in the legs, disturbances in pelvic floor functions, the according to the sensitivity of the forecast to be on the improve, and the sooner it is fixed the compression (hernia, sequestration).